A Successful virtual meeting was held on 27 July, 2021 between PMU of HLP & Supporting Agencies (NGOs) on “ Strategies of HLP Project activities during the COVID-19 pandemic’’.
The virtual meeting through Zoom was conducted by Ms. Manika Mitra, Deputy Project Director of HLP. Mr. Imranur Rahman, Assistant Project Director, Dr. A. K. Sharifullah, Project Manager, all other PMU officials and representatives of five partner NGOs participated actively in the meeting.
The main discussion point of the meeting were preparation and submission of fact sheet of the previously identified good practices, submission of operational and financial report of project activities, submission of current year working plan and MTR activities. PMU officials and Supporting Agencies agreed to develop appropriate strategies to work under Covid-19 situation after observing the situation until August 2021. All agreed to complete the report (operational & financial) and fact sheet preparation activities during this period and submit prepared material within 5th of August 2021. It was decided to have next meeting on 5th August to discuss about progress of activities.